



Cinnamon Ornaments

We decided to do the traditional cinnamon ornaments for our homemade family ornament this year. There are lots of recipes out there, including this one from Martha Stewart. In my true fashion, I didn't really go exactly by the recipe, but it was very close. If I can remember correctly, I tried to use a little more applesauce than glue (since some recipes omitted the glue altogether).

My little handsomes loved getting ALL their cookie cutters out to cut the dough. This is most of the ornaments, but I moved some of the non-traditional to another pan. :)

There are two methods for drying: in the oven for a couple of hours, or just leaving them out for a few days to dry (turning as needed to keep edges from curling up). I chose to put mine in the oven for quicker process, but then I also allowed 1-2days for complete drying.

Then came the painting.

And then putting them on the tree.

Fun ornament making day with my little handsomes! And a cinnamon smell for the house too.


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