



Memories of my grandmother

I couldn't help but think about my grandmother today as I sat on my couch, watching my boys play while I was breaking beans (fresh green beans from the garden!). Their little hands quickly dug in to 'help'. So, I showed the oldest how to break the ends and get the string off the bean. He did pretty good, but better at just breaking the bean in half :) know, without breaking the ends or stringing it. He was so cute!

I just love moments like these! And like I said, it made me think about my grandmother. You see, we stopped in to see them almost everyday when my mom got home from work. And everyday, they [Ma and Pa] were doing something--cooking or eating a home cooked meal, quilting, garden work. I remember all these things so well! And they are wonderful memories.

Lots of times, Ma would fix us a plate of her good home cooking (even though Mom would say we could eat at home). My vivid memory of her mashed potatoes makes my mouth water--perfectly whipped potatoes in the big bowl, with a pat of butter right in the center so that it would melt, and pepper spinkled on top--they were good! Mom, my sister, and I couldn't resist, so we would sit down with them lots of nights. (and then she would send a to-go meal for Dad so that he could it enjoy it too when he got home from work.)

Quilting! There always seemed to be a project she was working on, whether it be a quilt or quilted pillow. I loved sitting next to her watching her stitch pieces together (handquilting! wish I could do it like her). Pa would have his western on while Ma sit on the couch sewing. Sometimes Pa would pop us popcorn in his popcorn maker while we all sit in the living room enjoying time together.

Garden work! They lived on a farm, so there was always a garden. Some of my best memories are sitting on the back porch cutting the corn off the cob so that we could freeze it to eat in the winter! And then of course, breaking the beans part!! She and Mom sat on the couch trying to teach me the same thing I was teaching my son today! I probably wasn't that good either, but they let me help. And Mom would probably tell you today that I am still not the best at breaking beans. But I do try! She actually had to take the rest of my bucket home with her tonight to finish them off. (Thanks Mom!)

All of the things I remember most about my grandmother, are actually the things that I enjoy doing the most--cooking, sewing, and working hard at home everyday with my boys--because I LOVE doing it for them! Now I can't say that breaking beans is my all-time favorite thing to do, nor is waching dishes, but I do enjoy just being a mom and all the things that come along with that! Mom just told me last week as I was sewing her curtains for her (she does know how to sew, but maybe just doesn't have the love-to-sew sewing gene) that Ma would have been proud to see me today. She would probably be right there beside me and my sewing projects.  :)

So today, I thought about my I was able to play outside with my little handsomes, sew a couple shirts for them, break a few beans, cook a great breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert (my grandmother always had a wonderful dessert or treat at her house too!!), and laugh, sing, and read with them! There is nothing I enjoy more! I am blessed to have a Godly heritage and a loving and wonderful family! Love them lots!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I remember all the times she fixed us gravy and biscuits (my favorite) and there always seemed to be a cobbler coming out of the oven when we were getting there!
