Luke 6:23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. (KJV)
Happy Leap Day! Today has been a stormy weather kind of day, tornado warnings and all. I had planned all kinds of leap day fun with my little handsomes, but some of that time was interrupted for time spent in the basement. Not that we still didn't try to find fun things to do! I started working on a baby shower gift. Then we sorted through some warmer season clothes hoping to find some things for the littlest handsome to use for upcoming months. And then of course, we had out the play dough and all kinds of toys.
Our leap day craft still made it into our afternoon! I cut out some shapes and let the boys glue them to their papers into a frog. After faces were drawn, we wrote out this Bible verse. I even joined them for some frog leaping race fun! Haha! Loved every minute of that, even if I looked a little silly.
(please excuse the pic quality, as my camera is currently at my parents)
I think this passage of scripture reminds us that no matter what storms of life may come our way--if we are poor or hungry, weeping or sad, or looked down upon--we are actually rich if we know HIM! So rejoice, and leap for joy!
Have a blessed LEAP day, and remember to rejoice in the Lord always!